2021年7月21日 星期三



七月十八日星期日家族 line 群裡,小笪寄了下圖

Pompette 與其他哥本哈根酒吧的不同之處在於其價錢(3年來)一直沒有變動過。 您可以以 50 克朗(7.50 美元)的價格購買一杯任何種類的酒(如紅/白、玫瑰酒等等)。 Pompette 酒吧還包括/附帶一家葡萄酒商店,因此您可以在附帶的酒店購買任何飲品,只是如果要直接在酒吧裡飲用的話,需另支付 100 克朗(15 美元)的開瓶費。 不要讓便宜的價錢或太多年輕人群在喝酒被騙了為這酒吧的酒質不好。 Martin Ho 是一位曾在歐洲和紐約備受推崇的葡萄酒莊地方工作過的侍酒師,並負責領/教導這項業務。〔$〕指價格最便宜

上網查:雜誌這次是專門介紹哥本哈根最好吃的 38 處
除了介紹小成的酒吧店 Pompette
介紹小成老婆 Rosio 的店 Ssnchez Cantina很好的讚譽😀
也才再一次的感覺到原來在網上 Rosio 是世界有名的吔!

經常可在電視、網路上看見有關天才廚師羅西奧·桑切斯 (Rosio Sanchez) 的 消息。在 Vesterbro cantina 提供墨西哥食物,它不僅在哥本哈根,而且在世界上都可稱的上是最好的 ,因為當你吃過早午餐時,在試著回想文章裡的評論,這可一點也不誇張早午餐吃過 Angelenos 炸玉米餅後,很樂意且值得等幾個小時後再回來品嚐晚餐。 更令人難忘的是晚餐中的,玉米餅配章魚慕斯和帶有烤 Brigante 奶酪的 “Dirty” 肉食。 注意:廚師在哥本哈根市內還有另外兩個墨西哥餐館,Hija de Sanchez,也應該在您的關注範圍內。 [$$]指價格算便宜的

一直對翻譯網翻出的 sommelier ,不甚滿意,
sommelier  侍酒師、酒管家、斟酒師


Sommelier Job Description 侍酒師職位描述

Being a restaurant sommelier is a rewarding position. It requires a bit more than just opening up bottles for people and making the occasional wine pairing suggestion. The essence of the position is behind the scenes: a sommelier runs a business within a business.

Is a sommelier a well-informed wine snob? Is their job an excuse to showcase their all-encompassing knowledge of wine regions and wine laws? Absolutely not! The idea that being a sommelier is a fancy pants position is a myth.

What does a somm actually do? They must make money for the restaurant; they build a wine list. To be successful, the list will match the cuisine, conform to the pricing structure of the restaurant, and appeal to the demographic that frequents the establishment.

There is no room for placing 75 bone-dry Rieslings on the list at a steakhouse. Just because a sommelier thinks they are amazing wines is not a reason to be included. Buying wine that doesn’t sell is a sure-fire way for a sommelier to join the unemployment line. This doesn’t mean there is no room for expression and exposing clientele to new and exciting eclectic wines.

If you take the steakhouse example, the route to success is a wine list full of rich and hearty reds like Cabernet Sauvignon. The following is a list of responsibilities and duties that summarize the entirety of what a restaurant sommelier does.

Educate the staff

Wine education is a critical job for the sommelier. As mentioned before, a sommelier is a profit-driving job for the restaurant, and that means selling wine. The restaurant needs a wine-educated wait staff with the desire and knowledge to help their guests purchase wine.

It is impossible for the sommelier to make it to every single table to offer wine suggestions. The majority of suggestions will come from the servers. They are the ones that must have the tools to make proper suggestions and present the wines.

Holding a weekly educational wine class is a vital component of any successful restaurant wine program. In these wine classes, the sommelier teaches the staff the basics of wine. This ensures that front-of-the-house staff members know exactly what is on the current wine list, and make recommendations.

Procure the list

Building a great wine list is one of the best parts of a sommelier’s job. A successful list will have great diversity and one that matches the price category of the attending demographic and matches the style of food being served.

A great example is the well-known Thai restaurant located in Las Vegas called Lotus of Siam. They have an award-winning wine list that is diverse, well-priced, and highly focused on wines that pair with heavy spice and flavor. This does not mean that Lotus doesn’t have California Cabernet on their list, they just didn’t make it the top priority or the focus of their list.

Regardless of the style of cuisine, every restaurant should carry some fancy bottles of Cabernet and a big buttery Chardonnay for those people who want what they want. Ignoring this type of thing is leaving money on the table, and that is something a successful restaurant cannot afford to do.
